The medicine is melted with bi- Al, the baiaru adapter of the ventilation hole attachment includes the tube cavity for ventilation and the tube cavity for the medicine. The cross-sectional area of the tube cavity for ventilation the same as the tube cavity for the medicine or is larger than that, because of that, flow of the fluid which passes by the tube cavity for ventilation, is equal to the tube cavity for the medicine, or is larger than that. As a result, when the medicine which is melted is pulled out from bi- Al, the aerosol of the medicine outside the adapter is evaded, with the air bubble being pulled out from bi- Al. In order to maintain the diameter of the sharp cannula of the baiaru adapter as small as possible, the tube cavity for ventilation, includes with the wall of the concave shape which confronts in the tube cavity for the medicine and the wall outside convex shape. With one execution example, as for form of the tube cavity for ventilation it is the polygon.バイアルで薬剤を溶解する、通気穴付きのバイアル・アダプタは、通気用管腔及び薬剤用管腔を含む。通気用管腔の断面積は、薬剤用管腔と同じか又はそれより大きく、そのため、通気用管腔を通る流体の流量が、薬剤用管腔と等しいか又はそれより大きい。その結果、溶解した薬剤がバイアルから引き出されるときに、アダプタの外側の薬剤のエーロゾルが、バイアルから気泡とともに引き出されるのが回避される。バイアル・アダプタの鋭利なカニューレの直径をできるだけ小さく維持するために、通気用管腔は、薬剤用管腔に面する凹形の壁と、凸形の外側の壁とを含む。一実施例では、通気用管腔の形状は多角形である。