For example, a device for capturing and killing marine organisms (14) (10)ZooplanktonSalm Amp Piojos; Oacute; N and others par amp; Aacute; Sitos,It includes a body for diving and amperes (12,12 AMP; RSQOE); Oacute; N in water (15). (12,12 AMP; RSQOE;) At least one designed and controlled light source (16) is included to attract these marine organisms.There is also an inner chamber (20) with an opening (20 AMP; RSQO); for CI AMP; OACUTE; at least part of the water flow. The light source (16) EST AMP; AACUTE; is prepared and controlled in the hole (20) to emit light waves to TRAV AMP, EACUTE, S and at least part of the water. At least one positive electrode (24, 24 AMP; RSQOE);24 AMP; RDQOU;,32. EST AMP; AACUTE;Prepare and connect El AMP; EACUTE; CTICICI AMP; OACUTE; N low voltage (26, 27, 30),And at least one negative charge (15A) EST amp; aacute;Note: Note: This is a good example because it contains water and connects El AMP; EACUTE; CTICICA AMP; OACUTE; N (26, 27, 30). The device of invention is produced.Through Electric Amp; Oacute; Lysine Water (15),In one region and provincial level, or in one region and provincial level, chlorine (21); Oacute; N is close to at least one positive electrode.Chlorine (21) reacts with water and forms and amperes in the cave; Aacute; Hipcl Amp; Oacute; Rico Amp; Aacute; Cloh Amp; IACTE; DRICO (31) LT; /P GT;<;p>;UN DISPOSITIVO (10) PARA ATRAPAR Y MATAR ORGANISMOS MARINOS (14) COMO POR EJEMPLO, PLANCTON ANIMAL, PIOJOS DEL SALMÓ;N Y OTROS PARÁ;SITOS, QUE COMPRENDE UN CUERPO (12, 12&rsquo;) CONFIGURADO PARA LA INMERSIÓ;N EN EL AGUA (15). EL CUERPO (12, 12&rsquo;) COMPRENDE AL MENOS UNA FUENTE DE LUZ (16) CONFIGURADA Y CONTROLADA PARA ATRAER A DICHOS ORGANISMOS MARINOS, Y UNA CAVIDAD INTERNA (20) QUE TIENE UNA ABERTURA (20&rsquo;) PARA LA COMUNICACIÓ;N FLUIDA CON POR LO MENOS UNA PARTE DEL AGUA. LAS FUENTES DE LUZ (16) ESTÁ;N DISPUESTAS DENTRO DE LA CAVIDAD (20) Y DISPUESTAS Y C