A medical device for implanting a transcatheter heart valve into a valve deployment location in the heart and related implantation and delivery methods. An anchor is introduced into the heart via a blood vessel and implanted into the heart wall using an anchor delivery system and delivery cable. The second delivery system introduces a tether which is coupled with an implanted anchor and a transcatheter heart valve. The transcatheter heart valve consists of a top or bottom edge positioned in accordance with the atrial base at the deployment site.將經導管的心臟瓣膜植入心臟中瓣膜部署位置的醫療裝置以及相關植入和遞送方法。將錨經血管內引入心臟並使用錨遞送系統和遞送纜植入到心臟壁。第二遞送系統引入系繩,其與植入的錨和經導管的心臟瓣膜偶聯。經導管的心臟瓣膜包括頂部或底部邊緣,其定位的位置符合部署位置處的心房底。