gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe obrazovatelnoe uchrezhdenie vysshego professionalnogo obrazovaniya "Pervyj Sankt-Peterburgskij gosudarstvennyj meditsinskij universitet imeni akademika I.P. Pavlova" Minist
Stepanova Marina Nikolaevna,Степанова Марина Николаевна,Petrova Nataliya Gurevna,Петрова Наталия Гурьевна,Krylov Konstantin Mikhajlovich,Крылов Константин Михайлович,Narushak Irina Sergeevna,Нарушак И
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to surgery, traumatology, combustiology and osteopathy. No later than three days after the injury, a procedure is performed to separate and restore the mobility of layers of viable tissues relative to each other, soldered by thermal damage, using the technique of osteopathic correction of the burn wound. Following manual techniques are used: immerse the large, index and middle fingers of both hands in intact tissue of the patient outside of the boundaries of the burn wound, than wound tissues are put in the stress state. Strengthen this effect by stretching the tissues with their simultaneous twisting with minimum amplitude by the type of push-up of the cloth while: one hand of the osteopath moves the tissues to himself, the other – from himself. Hold the tissues in this position with the subsequent return to their original, and then perform the reception of the twisting of the tissues in the opposite direction also with the subsequent return to their original position. Procedure is performed until the sensation begins to untwist the tissues. Reception is carried out on tissues of different levels depending on the depth of the lesion. At the course of treatment, at least two procedures are performed every other day. In a special case, in addition, an osteopathic correction is performed for the detected abnormalities in the patients body during the diagnosis, which cause other pathological fascial tensions in the area of the burn wound.EFFECT: method allows to separate the viable tissues from the tissues of the burn wound, restore their mobility, to reduce the exudative reaction from the surface of the burn wound, to prevent the development of the cicatrical-adhesive process.1 cl, 2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к хирургии, травматологии, комбустиологии и остеопатии. Не позднее трех суток после повреждения проводят процедуру разделения и восстановления подвижности относительно друг друга