1. Agricultural implement, soderzhascheeramu ground-engaging tools attached to the frame kronshteynovuyu structure mounted on the frame ishlangovaya structure for fluid flow from a fluid source to a ground-engaging tool, the loose hose section is held bracket nezazhimayuschim obrazom.2. Agricultural implement according to claim 1, wherein the frame comprises a tubular member includes a bracket body having a first portion attached to the tubular member and a second portion configured to hold shlanga.3 portion. Agricultural implement according to claim 2, wherein the body has a first side and a second side and further has a hole structure formed in the second portion communicating with a first side and a second side, wherein the opening structure arranged to receive the tubular portion konstruktsii.4. Agricultural implement of claim 3, kotoromkonstruktsiya hole includes a plurality of independent holes formed in the second portion of the housing, wherein each hole is adapted to hold independent and free of the corresponding portion of the hose konstruktsii.5. Agricultural implement according to claim 1, wherein kronshteynovaya structure includes a corrosion-resistant material.6. Agricultural implement according to claim 1, wherein kronshteynovaya structure includes a plurality of brackets, each of which is configured to hold the corresponding portion of the tubular konstruktsii.7. The bracket for use with agricultural implements, having a hose construction for1. Сельскохозяйственное орудие, содержащее:рамувзаимодействующий с землей инструмент, присоединенный к рамекронштейновую конструкцию, установленную на раме ишланговая конструкция для пропускания текучей среды из источника текучей среды к взаимодействующему с землей инструменту, при этом участок шланга свободно удерживается кронштейном незажимающим образом.2. Сельскохозяйственное орудие по п.1, в котором рама включает трубчатый элемент, а кронштейн включает корпус, имеющий первый участок, прикрепленный к трубчатом