NITROGEN containing bicyclic compounds and their salts; extraction process; Pharmaceutical composition that comprises; and its use for the Treatment or prophylaxis of Pathological States Kidney, Liver, Nervous System, inflammatory and fibrotic diseases and acute rejection Chronic Transplant organs.
The invention provides hexahydropyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole derivatives and related compounds of formula (I) as autotaxin (ATX) inhibitors and as inhibitors of the lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) production for treating e.g. renal conditions, liver conditions, inflammatory conditions, conditions of the nervous system, conditions of the respiratory system, vascular and cardiovascular conditions, fibrotic diseases, cancer, ocular conditions, metabolic conditions, cholestatic and other forms of chronic pruritus and acute and chronic organ transplant rejection.<;p>;COMPUESTOS DERIVADOS BICÍ;CLICO CONTENIENDO NITRÓ;GENO Y SUS SALES; SU PROCESO DE OBTENCIÓ;N; COMPOSICIÓ;N FARMACÉ;UTICA QUE LOS COMPRENDE; Y SU USO COMO INHIBIDORES DE LA AUTOTAXINA (ATX) PARA EL TRATAMIENTO O PROFILAXIS DE ESTADOS PATOLÓ;GICOS RENALES, HEPÁ;TICOS, INFLAMATORIOS, DEL SISTEMA NERVIOSO, ENFERMEDADES FIBRÓ;TICAS Y RECHAZO AGUDO Y CRÓ;NICO DEL TRASPLANTE DE Ó;RGANOS.<;/p>;