1. Motorized exoskeleton to facilitate users locomotion, comprising: a base frame for attachment to the users torso, a pair of leg components configured for coupling to the lower limbs of a user, wherein each foot component comprises: first and second supporting portions, the first supporting portion is on the upper relative to the second supporting portion, and two motorized joint, one of which connects the first supporting portion to the second supporting portion, and d nother - first supporting portion to the frame, Idwal motor configured for driving the motorized joints and the associated upper supporting segmentom.2. Exoskeleton according to claim. 1 in which two or more motors associated with the motorized ekzoskeleta.3 femoral segment. Exoskeleton according to claim. 1 in which two or more motors configured to change the weight distribution motorized ekzoskeleta.4. Exoskeleton according to claim. 1 in which two or more motors are configured to facilitate attachment to the body of the motorized exoskeleton polzovatelya.5. Exoskeleton according to claim. 1 in which two or more motors are configured to facilitate removal from the motorized exoskeleton polzovatelya.6 body. Exoskeleton according to claim. 1 in which two or more motors of the same motor are tipa.7. Exoskeleton according to claim. 1 in which two or more motors are motors various tipov.8. Exoskeleton according to Claim. 1, wherein the motors are configured to impart motorized disbalans.9 exoskeleton. Exoskeleton according to Claim. 1, wherein the upper supporting portion is adjacent to the thigh polzovatelya.10. Ekzosk1. Моторизованный экзоскелет для облегчения локомоции пользователя, содержащий:базовый каркас для прикрепления к торсу пользователяпару ножных компонентов, сконфигурированных для связывания с нижними конечностями пользователя, причем каждый ножной компонент содержит:первый и второй поддерживающие сегменты, причем первый поддерживающий сегмент является верхним по отношению ко второму под