Aqueous composition containing a mixture of at least one phenolic aldehyde and a bisulfite Salt with a suitable Surfactant Agent, its use and Method for controlling pests; solubilization of hydrophobic pesticides that have one or more carbonyl groups.
A composition for controlling pests. The composition includes an aqueous mixture of at least one phenolic aldehyde and a bisulfite salt with a suitable surfactant and a sufficient amount of the bisulfite salt to solubilize the aldehyde(s). A stable apparent solution is formed.COMPOSICION QUE CONTIENE UNA MEZCLA ACUOSA DE POR LO MENOS UN ALDEHIDO FENOLICO Y UNA SAL DE BISULFITO CON UN AGENTE SURFACTANTE ADECUADO; SU USO PARA CONTROLAR PLAGAS; Y METODO DE SOLUBILIZACION DE PESTICIDAS HIDROFOBICOS QUE TIENEN UNO O MAS GRUPOS CARBONILO.