The drug combination includes an agonist for B-3 adrenergic receptor and a muscle receptor antagonist and a method for using the same. 1. A combination of drugs is used to treat one or more symptoms related to hyperactive bladder, such as emergency, night owl's disease and urinary incontinence. Claim 3: for use in combination with claim 1 or claim 2, in the B-3 adrenaline receptor, the polymer comprises a compound selected from the group, including solabaglon, CL-316243, mirabaglon, its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, its pharmaceutically acceptable solution,Drugs containing acceptable solvents are acceptable salts. Claim 5: combining the two according to claim 3, i.e. using a B-3 adrenergic receptor containing milabagron or a pharmaceutically acceptable, soluble salt, Claim 10: a synergistic combination to relieve one or more of the symptoms associated with the highly active bladder (OAB),Including: (I) the effective treatment quantity of solabegalon, or acceptable salt, or acceptable solvent, or acceptable salt containing acceptable agent in the same solution, and one of the acceptable solvent; and (II) the effective treatment quantity, Or effective underground supply, or with acceptable troostat or salt, or with acceptable solution, or with acceptable solvent, acceptable salt.Combinaciones farmacéuticas que comprenden un agonista de receptor b-3 adrenérgico y un antagonista de receptor muscarínico y métodos para su uso. Métodos de uso de las combinaciones farmacéuticas para el tratamiento de uno o más síntomas asociados a la vejiga hiperactiva, por ejemplo, frecuencia de urgencia, nocturia e incontinencia urinaria. Reivindicación 3: La combinación de acuerdo con las reivindicaciones 1 ó 2, en donde dicho agonista de receptor b-3 adrenérgico comprende un compuesto seleccionado del grupo consistente en solabegron, CL-316,243, mirabegron, sus sales farmacéuticamente aceptables, sus solvatos farmacéuticamente aceptables, sales farmacéuticamente aceptables solvatad