A seed and fertilizer seeder containing a frame resting in the rear area of the seeder on the soil through the traveling wheels, collecting hoppers and openers for seeds and fertilizers, to which seed and fertilizer in the collecting bins are supplied through metering bodies in controlled quantities when pneumatic conveying and distribution devices, with the coulters for introducing seeds made in the form of chisel-shaped coulters with at least one roller located after them and laterally next to them and arranged one behind the other in several transverse rows, as well as at a distance relative to each other transversely to the direction of movement, moreover additional coulters are located at a distance from chisel-shaped coulters in order to fertilize the soil in at least one transverse row, and they are preferably positioned relative to each other at double distance compared with chisel-shaped coulters. In order to optimize the dosing and distribution of seeds and fertilizers in the planter with regard to the requirements for placing the so-called initial rate of fertilizers together with the seeds in the common furrow in the soil and for placing more fertilizer in a separate furrow in the soil, it was proposed that body for dosing of seeds, which provides at least one second dosing body for dosing of fertilizers applied together with seeds in the same furrow for sowing, and that is provided for m nshey least one third metering body for dosing of fertilizers applied to the soilСеялка для внесения семян и удобрений, содержащая раму, опирающуюся в задней области сеялки на почву через ходовые колеса, накопительные бункера и сошники для семян и удобрений, к которым обеспечен подвод семян и удобрений, находящихся в накопительных бункерах, через дозирующие органы в регулируемых количествах при помощи пневматических транспортировочных и распределительных устройств, при этом сошники для внесения семян выполнены в виде долотообразных сошников по меньшей мере с одним разме