A tumble drum 13 for recovering at least some flavoring material dispensedonto food portions 50 processed withinthe tumble drum 13, the tumble drum 13 having an interior mixing chamber 25, afirst set of apertures in a wall 18 of the tumbledrum 13, a circumferential cavity surrounding the interior mixing chamber 25,an exterior section 11 in the wall, and a second set ofapertures in the exterior section 11, wherein a receiver 220 coupled to asuction source can engage the exterior section 11 to drawair from within the interior mixing chamber 25, through the first set ofapertures, into the circumferential cavity, through the secondset of apertures and into the receiver 220, and at least some airborneflavoring material is deposited onto food portions 50 throughwhich the air passes on it path. The exterior section 11 may be in an anteriorwall 11 surrounding an inlet 12 of the tumble drum ora circumferential portion of the exterior.