PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a method of rearing living thing as food for eliminating cancer by causing no cancerous accumulation inside a human digestive organ, from the stomach to the vascular tracts.SOLUTION: A method is characterized in that a muzzle for preventing the tongue of a cow from touching the ground is set on each of cows in grazing cows, that the cows are thereby prevented from grazing in a pasture, with no sand and soil entering their mouths, and that, when people eat the meat of the cows, no sand and soil causing cancer are accumulated in the human bodies.【課題】人体の消化器内部、胃部から血管のあるところまで癌蓄積を作らせない素の、癌を無くす為の食物になる生き物の飼育方法を提供する。【解決手段】牛を放牧するときに、牛の舌が地面に付かない口輪を付けて、牧場で牧草を食べないよう、砂や土が口に入らないようにして、人が牛の肉を食べても癌のもとになる土や砂を蓄積出来なくすることを特徴とする。【選択図】図1