Crystalline pharmacological components of a hydrolysis process, including: monophosphate and at least one selected pre-glycerol and a non-reducing sugar, pH 6.5-7.5; pharmacological products; manufacturing methods; for the treatment of bacterial infections. River.
Solid Preparation comprising daptomycin daptomycin and a material selected from Glycine,One or more Sugars and a combination of two or more reducing sugars; article of manufacture that includes; and Method for preparing the preparation.<;p>;Preparació;n de daptomicina só;lida que comprende daptomicina y un material seleccionado de glicina, uno o má;s azú;cares y una combinació;n de dos o má;s azú;cares reductores; artí;culo de fabricació;n que la comprende; y mé;todo para preparar la preparació;n.<;/p>;