According to the present invention, a new renewable energy solar light generation device is formed in several sorts of electrical installation devices for operating a construction structure farm such as a temporary building or the like according to nocturnal properties of fresh water eels, and electricity is supplied by utilizing a roof surface space thereof. Electricity is supplied to the farm, so costs are reduced and electricity is saved, so dual economical efficiency is ensured. As climate change alternative energy, electricity is produced and supplied, and a fresh water eel farm is produced, so dual economical efficiency is ensured.본 발명은 민물뱀장어 야행성 특성에 의해 가건물 등, 건축 구조물 양식장 운영을 위한 각종전기설비기기에 전류공급을 지붕면 공간 활용으로 신재생 에너지 태양광 발전장치를 설비하여 양어장 전류를 공급하여 뱀장어양식의 원가 절감 및 전류생산에 대한 이중의 경제효율은 물론 기후변화대처에너지 전류생산 공급과 민물뱀장어 양식장 등의 이중의 경제효율에 대한 응용 고안 발명의 요약.