PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To change the range of motion of the metatarsophalangeal joint part, which can be used by a patient who cannot control the ankle joint by himself, to step back at the metatarsophalangeal joint part, for assisting walking. Provide a possible short leg brace. SOLUTION: The inner fasteners having different hardness, such as the soft inner fastener 5 and the hard inner fastener 6, can be exchanged with a surface fastener. The mobility of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the short leg orthosis can be changed by making it possible to replace the inner pads with different hardness. [Selection diagram] Fig. 5【課題】足首関節を自分で制御することのできない患者が、歩行の補助のために用い、中足趾節関節部で踏み返しを行うことができ、中足趾節関節部の可動域を変更可能な短下肢装具を提供する。【解決手段】軟らかい内貼り5と硬い内貼り6のような硬度を変えた内貼りを面ファスナーで交換可能にする。硬度の違う内貼りを交換可能にすることで、短下肢装具の中足趾節関節部の可動性を変更できる。【選択図】図5