A lactic acid bacteria fermentation product, which has been obtained by culturing lactic acid bacteria on a medium containing an extract of at least one food material selected from the group consisting of rice bran, persimmon leaves, perilla,HouttuyniacordataThunb,Eucommiaulmoidesoliv., turmeric, clove, cinnamon andRubussuavissimusS.Lee(Rosaceae). By adding and mixing the extract used for the preparation of the fermentation product to a medium, it is possible to increase simply the viable cell count of lactic acid bacteria, without affecting the flavor of the product. It is possible, by using the extract, to obtain a lactic acid bacteria fermentation product which contains many viable lactic acid bacteria with their activities highly maintained, and further to provide beverages or foods using the product.本發明係以含有至少1種以上選自米糠、柿葉、紫蘇、魚腥草、杜仲、薑黃、丁香、肉桂及甜茶所成群之食品素材之萃取物之培養基,培養乳酸菌而得為特徵之乳酸菌發酵物。製造乳酸菌發酵物所使用之萃取物,因為不產生風味上的問題,僅添加、混合於培養基,即可簡易地增加乳酸菌之生菌數,所以可得到維持高活性,含有許多活乳酸菌之乳酸菌發酵物或利用其之飲食品。