The subject of the notification is a universal bee feeding stuffing. The idea of building this structure is to simplify the process of feeding bees and, at the same time, to allow this to be done discreetly. In its primary application, the designed sub-heater is to be mounted outside the air vent. However, since it is not possible to do this on every farm without modifications,Provisional grips (outline) have been proposed. 5). Then you can put a sub-heater like this in the hive as a nest after the old one. The lining is made of a vessel into which the syrup is poured through the net. The bees enter the vessel from the side through the hole in the wall of the tank, which is suspended on the ventilation hole of the hive by two screws. In the vessel is a swimmer, bees enter and take syrup from it. The vessel is made of transparent plastic,so that the consumption as well as the absorption activity of syrup can be observed from a distance. The set is made up of a watertight cover. In addition, the characteristic feature of the designed sub-heater is the self-cleaning by which syrup is available to them. Additionally, bees do not escape during feeding and foreign insects do not have access to baiting easy prey either. The proposed feedingstuff goes against the needs and trends in the way bees are fed, fed and fed. Currently, e.g. feeding for the winter is carried out more and more early and at low doses, which does not fatigue the bees and stimulate their development. Thanks to these winter treatments, we have a young, strong, untreated generation of bees.Przedmiotów zgłoszenia jest podkarmiaczka uniwersalna dla pszczół. Idea budowy tej konstrukcji to uproszczenie procesu podkarmiania pszczół i jednocześnie umożliwienie wykonywania tej czynności dyskretnie. W swoim podstawowym zastosowaniu zaprojektowana podkarmiaczka ma być zamontowana na zewnątrz ula na otworze wentylacyjnym. Jednak ze względu na to, że nie na każdym ulu bez przeróbek jest to wykonalne, doraźni