This belt (1) comprises, on the one hand, a ventral portion (10), which includes a central portion (10C) and two lateral portions (10G, 10D) disposed on either side of the central portion, so when the belt is worn by a pregnant woman (F), the central portion covers the middle region of the woman's belly, while the lateral portions cover the flanks, respectively left and right, of the woman's belly, and, on the other hand, on the other hand, a dorsal part (20) which is adapted to attach to the back of the woman. In order for the belt to allow the woman to sleep comfortably and serenely, each lateral portion of the ventral portion incorporates a wedging cushion at which this lateral portion is thicker than the central portion so that when the woman is lying on on its side, left or right, corresponding to the side of its belly covered by this lateral portion, the cushioning cushion supports the womb of the woman by filling the space between the corresponding flank of the belly and the surface (S) on which the woman is lying down, each lateral portion of the ventral portion comprising at least one textile panel (16), to which the corresponding cushion cushion (14) is attached and to which the central portion and the dorsal portion are permanently joined. So that the belt is practical and simple to use, the invention provides that the textile panel or panels (16) of each lateral portion (10G, 10D) of the ventral portion (10) form a pocket (15) in which the cushion corresponding shim (14) is removably received.Cette ceinture (1) comporte, d'une part, une partie ventrale (10), qui inclutune portioncentrale (10C) et deux portions latérales (10G, 10D) disposées de part etd'autre de laportion centrale, de sorte que, lorsque la ceinture est portée par une femmeenceinte (F),la portion centrale recouvre la région médiane du ventre de la femme tandisque lesportions latérales recouvrent les flancs respectivement gauche et droit duventre de lafemme, et, d'autr