The present invention pertains to a method for introducing a substance into a plant. This method includes the following steps: acquiring an enzyme-treated fertilized egg cell by (1-i) isolating, from a tissue containing a fertilized egg cell of a plant, the fertilized egg cell, and then performing a low titer condition treatment on the fertilized egg cell by an enzyme solution containing a plant tissue degrading enzyme, (i-11) performing a low titer condition treatment on a tissue containing a fertilized egg cell of a plant by an enzyme solution containing a plant tissue degrading enzyme, and then isolating the enzyme-treated fertilized egg cell, (1-iii) performing a low titer condition treatment on a tissue containing a fertilized egg cell of a plant by an enzyme solution containing a plant tissue degrading enzyme, and at the same time, isolating the enzyme-treated fertilized egg cell, (1-iv) isolating an egg cell and a sperm cell from a plant body and fusing the cells to produce a fertilized egg, and then performing a low titer condition treatment on the fertilized egg cell by an enzyme solution containing a plant tissue degrading enzyme, or (1-v) performing a low titer condition treatment on a tissue containing an egg cell of a plant by an enzyme containing a plant tissue degrading enzyme, then isolating the enzyme-treated egg cell and causing the egg cell to fuse with an isolated sperm cell; and (2) introducing a substance selected from the group consisting of nucleic acids, proteins, and peptides into the obtained enzyme-treated isolated fertilized egg cell.L'invention concerne un procédé d'induction de substance dans une plante. Le procédé de l'invention inclut les étapes suivantes : (1-i) une cellule d'ovule fécondé est isolée d'une structure contenant des cellules d'ovules fécondés d'une plante, puis, cette cellule d'ovule fécondé est soumise à un traitement dans des conditions de faible titre au moyen d'une solution d'enzyme contenant un enzyme de dégradati