Kriger Pavel Andreevich (RU),Кригер Павел Андреевич (RU),Kuzmichev Vladimir Aleksandrovich (RU),Кузьмичев Владимир Александрович (RU),Ershova Kseniya Igorevna (RU),Ершова Ксения Игоревна (RU),Bogdanov
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to thoracic surgery and can be used for treating thoracic esophagus injures. Method involves video-thoracoscopy, mediastinoscopy with lavage and drainage of mediastenum, a pleural cavity, elimination of adhesions and decortication of the lung. Video thoracoscopy is followed by insertion of a flexible endoscope through the mouth, conducting it through an esophageal injury. At the endoscope end, mediastrophic fat is first stratified, and the mediastinal pleura is separated. Then, the thoracoscope is guided by a flexible endoscope moving into the pleural space, wherein the mediastinal fiber is separated in the area of esophageal damage from the lung root to the diaphragm canopy. Elimination of splices and decortication of the lung is performed simultaneously from the pleural cavity and esophagus by thoracoscopic instruments and endoscope, and the drainages are installed transthoracally and are brought to the zone of esophageal damage by means of the loop of the flexible endoscope. Thereafter, an endoluminal system for vacuum therapy (VAC system) is installed with covering the perforation area. In addition, drainages are suggested to be brought to a zone of esophageal damage by means of a loop or a flexible endoscope neck.EFFECT: method provides improved quality of life, accelerated rehabilitation, reduced length of treatment and reduced probability of possible complications ensured by using mini-invasive technologies, reliable lavage and drainage of purulent foci of mediastenum and pleural cavity.3 cl, 2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно, к торакальной хирургии и может быть использовано для лечения повреждений грудного отдела пищевода. Способ включает проведение видеоторакоскопии, медиастиноскопии с осуществлением санации и дренирования средостения, плевральной полости, устранение сращений и декортикации легкого. При проведении видеоторакоскопии осуществляют введение гибкого эндоскопа через рот,