1. A device system power supply and control bactericidal irradiator comprising network switching unit and power supply and control ballast, which is connected to at least one discharge lamp irradiator bactericidal, characterized in that between the switching network unit and the ballast power supply and control includes delay block and a block enable time master operating a discharge lamp, the power unit and the control sensor provided work and control counter narabote and discharge lampy.2. Power supply and control system bactericidal irradiator according to claim 1, characterized in that the delay unit is formed as a relay with switching time delay, the normally open contacts of which are included in the electric circuit unit vklyucheniya.3 network. Power supply and control system bactericidal irradiator according to claim 1, characterized in that the block time master operating a discharge lamp is designed as a time relay with trip delay, normally closed contacts which are included in the electric circuit unit vklyucheniya.4 network. Power supply and control system bactericidal irradiator according to claim 1, characterized in that the audible alarm unit is provided, connected to the delay unit, and the information unit comprising an indicator light connected to the delay unit, and the indicator lamps are connected respectively to bloku- time master of operating a discharge lamp and sensor monitoring of operating a discharge lampy.5. Power supply and control system bactericidal irradiator n1. Устройство системы питания и управления бактерицидного облучателя, содержащее блок сетевого включения и блок питания и управления с пускорегулирующим аппаратом, к которому подключена по крайней мере одна газоразрядная лампа бактерицидного облучателя, отличающееся тем, что между блоком сетевого включения и пускорегулирующим аппаратом блока питания и управления включены блок задержки включения и блок-задатчик времени работы газоразрядной лампы, при этом блок питания и управлен