БАЛЬДАЧЧИ Массимо (IT),РОНДИНЕЛЛИ Мария Беатриче (IT)
1. bisglycinate iron chelate for use in the oral treatment of anemia in patients on preoperative and / or postoperative stage surgery, characterized in that the surgical operation is an operation accompanied by excessive bleeding selected from surgery of the shoulder, hip, knee, and / or pozvonochnika.2. Bisglycinate iron chelate for use according to claim 1, wherein the anemia is mild or umerennoy.3. Bisglycinate iron chelate for use according to any one of claims 1-2, characterized in that said sideropenic anemia is anemiey.4. Bisglycinate iron chelate for use according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that said patient is elderly patsientom.5. Bisglycinate iron chelate for use according to claim 4, characterized in that said patient is older than 65 years.6. Bisglycinate iron chelate for use according to claim 1, characterized in that said surgery accompanied by excessive bleeding is a orthopedic surgical operatsiyu.7. Bisglycinate iron chelate for use according to claim 6, characterized in that said interference endoprosthesis is all or part of hip or knee all or part sustava.8. Bisglycinate iron chelate for use according to claim 1, manufactured as a solid dosage formy.9. Bisglycinate iron chelate for use according to claim 8, characterized in that said solid dosage form selected from tablets, granules, microgranules or kapsuly.10. Bisglycinate iron chelate for use according to claim 8 or 9, characterized in that said solid dosage1. Хелат бисглицината железа для применения в пероральном лечении анемии у пациентов на предоперационном и/или послеоперационном этапе хирургической операции, отличающийся тем, что указанная хирургическая операция представляет собой операцию, сопровождающуюся обильным кровотечением, выбранную из хирургии плечевого, тазобедренного, коленного сустава и/или позвоночника.2. Хелат бисглицината железа для применения по п.1, отличающийся тем, что анемия является легкой или умеренной.3. Хелат бисглицината железа для применения по любому из пп