This patent is related to the treatment of the human papilloma which belongsto a variantgroup of virus, considered as (DAN). It is infectious to skin and mucousmembranes. It istransmittable from person to person through sexual touch, or touching infectedareas.This virus may cause different kinds of cancer for both men and women, sinceapproximately 90% of anal cancer cases in men and women, about 70% of mouthandpharynx cancer, 65% - 70% of cervix cancer and 50% of penis cancer for men iscausedby this virus. In addition this virus causes other diseases for both men andwomen such asthalols on genitals and different skin thalols., There is no effective remedyfor this virus,so one has to be watchful and take the required prevention measures. Based onthis data Ihave made a composition which helps curing and eliminating this virus as soonas itappears on the skin. Thus the patient does not have to use the traditionaltreatments suchas electric cauterization and other methods.The most important ingredients of this remedy is a herbal combination,consists of anAloe Vera, Citrullus colocynthis, hard sea salt, myrrh and garlic.)