
中文期刊: 外文期刊: 科技成果: 农业专利: SCI: 北大核心: EI: CSSCI: CSCD:
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1996.6-2005.7中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所 动物遗传育种 2005.8-2008.7 密苏里大学堪萨斯校区医学院 统计基因组学和生物信息学 2008.11-至今中国农业大学动物科技学院 分子数量遗传学和畜禽育种
名称:中国农业大学动物科技学院 邮编:100193 地址:北京海淀区圆明园西路2号
主持和参加项目: 2006.1-2010.12 参加 “973”课题《抗病和抗逆基因的克隆分析》; 2009.1-2011.12 主持“985”工程队伍建设优秀人才项目; 2010.1-2012.12 主持国家自然科学基金《应用基因组结集信息建立复杂性状基因精确定位的新方法》;2010.1- 2012.12主持教育部留学回国人员科研基金项目《基于基因组集成信息建立基因精确定位的新方法》; 2010.1- 2012.12:主持北京市自然科学基金《远交群体数量性状QTL的贝叶斯压缩定位》; 2011.1-2013.12:主持教育部新世纪人才支持项目;2012-2014 参加教育部长江学者与创新团队发展计划《畜禽分子育种创新团队》。 主要论文: 1. Liu J, Zhang Y, Zhang Q, Wang L, Zhang J: Study on mapping quantitative trait loci for animal complex binary traits using Bayesian-Markov chain Monte Carlo approach. Sci China C Life Sci 2006, 49(6):552-559. 2. Yang TL, Zhao LJ, Liu YJ, Liu JF, Recker RR, Deng HW: Genetic and environmental correlations of bone mineral density at different skeletal sites in females and males. Calcif Tissue Int 2006, 78(4):212-217. 3. Liu J, Liu Y, Liu X, Deng HW: Bayesian mapping of quantitative trait loci for multiple complex traits with the use of variance components. Am J Hum Genet 2007, 81(2):304-320. 4. Liu J, Papasian C, Deng HW: Incorporating single-locus tests into haplotype cladistic analysis in case-control studies. PLoS Genet 2007, 3(3):e46. 5. Zhang F, Liu J, Chen J, Deng HW: HAPSIMU: a genetic simulation platform for population-based association studies. BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9:331. 6. Liu YJ, Papasian CJ, Liu JF, Hamilton J, Deng HW: Is replication the gold standard for validating genome-wide association findings? PLoS One 2008, 3(12):e4037. 7. Liu XG, Liu YJ, Liu J, Pei Y, Xiong DH, Shen H, Deng HY, Papasian CJ, Drees BM, Hamilton JJ et al: A bivariate whole genome linkage study identified genomic regions influencing both BMD and bone structure. J Bone Miner Res 2008, 23(11):1806-1814. 8. Liu YJ, Liu XG, Wang L, Dina C, Yan H, Liu JF, Levy S, Papasian CJ, Drees BM, Hamilton JJ et al: Genome-wide association scans identified CTNNBL1 as a novel gene for obesity. Hum Mol Genet 2008, 17(12):1803-1813. 9. Liu J, Pei Y, Papasian CJ, Deng HW: Bivariate association analyses for the mixture of continuous and binary traits with the use of extended generalized estimating equations. Genet Epidemiol 2009, 33(3):217-227. 10. Zhang L, Liu J, Deng HW: A multilocus linkage disequilibrium measure based on mutual information theory and its applications. Genetica 2009, 137(3):355-364. 11. Liu YZ, Pei YF, Liu JF, Yang F, Guo Y, Zhang L, Liu XG, Yan H, Wang L, Zhang YP et al: Powerful bivariate genome-wide association analyses suggest the SOX6 gene influencing both obesity and osteoporosis phenotypes in males. PLoS One 2009, 4(8):e6827. 12. Pei YF, Zhang L, Liu J, Deng HW: Multivariate association test using haplotype trend regression. Ann Hum Genet 2009, 73(Pt 4):456-464. 13. Gao H, Fang M, Liu J, Zhang Q: Bayesian shrinkage mapping for multiple QTL in half-sib families. Heredity 2009, 103(5):368-376. 14. Jiang L, Liu J, Sun D, Ma P, Ding X, Yu Y, Zhang Q: Genome wide association studies for milk production traits in Chinese Holstein population. PLoS One 2010, 5(10):e13661. (同等第一) 15. Zhang Z, Liu J, Ding X, Bijma P, de Koning DJ, Zhang Q: Best linear unbiased prediction of genomic breeding values using a trait-specific marker-derived relationship matrix. PLoS One 2010, 5(9). 16. Hu F, Liu JF, Zeng ZB, Ding XD, Yin CC, Gong YZ, Zhang Q: QTL Identification Using Combined Linkage and Linkage Disequilibrium Mapping for Milk Production Traits on BTA6 in Chinese Holstein Population. Asian-Aust J Anim Sci 2010, 23(10): 1261 – 1267. 17. Lu X, Liu JF, Gong YF, Wang ZP, Liu Y, Zhang Q: Mapping quantitative trait loci for T lymphocyte subpopulations in peripheral blood in swine. BMC Genet 2011, 12:79.(同等第一) 18. Fang M, Liu J, Sun D, Zhang Y, Zhang Q, Zhang Y, Zhang S: QTL mapping in outbred half-sib families using Bayesian model selection. Heredity 2011, 107(3):265-276. (同等第一) 19. Jiang J, Jiang L, Zhou B, Fu W, Liu JF, Zhang Q: Snat: a SNP annotation tool for bovine by integrating various sources of genomic information. BMC Genet 2011, 12:85.(通讯) 20. Zhang Z, Ding X, Liu J, Zhang Q, de Koning DJ: Accuracy of genomic prediction using low-density marker panels. J Dairy Sci 2011, 94(7):3642-3650. 21. Lu X, Gong YF, Liu JF, Wang ZP, Hu F, Qiu XT, Luo YR, Zhang Q: Mapping quantitative trait loci for cytokines in the pig. Anim Genet 2011, 42(1):1-5. 22. Liu Y, Lu X, Luo YR, Zhou JP, Liu XY, Liu JF, Ding XD, Zhang Q: Molecular characterization and association analysis of porcine interferon regulatory factor 1 gene. Mol Biol Rep 2011, 38(3):1901-1907. 著作软件: 肉牛杂交遗传评估系统V1.0 牛基因组单核苷酸多态性单机注释系统V1.0 牛基因组单核苷酸多态性在线注释系统V1.0