中文期刊: 外文期刊: 科技成果: 农业专利: SCI: 北大核心: EI: CSSCI: CSCD:
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2009 – 北京林业大学 教授、博导 2005 – 2009 中国科学院植物研究所 副研究员 2002 – 2005 瑞士联邦森林、雪和景观研究所 博士后 教育经历: 2002 中国科学院植物研究所 获生态学博士学位 1997 杭州大学(现浙江大学西溪校区) 获生物学学士学位
湿地植物生态学; 克隆植物生态学;入侵植物生态学
名称:北京林业大学自然保护区学院 邮编:100083 地址:北京市海淀区清华东路35号
在研课题: 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”(2011-2013) 北京林业大学杰出人才培育专项计划(2011-2012;主持人) 克隆多样性与物种多样性的相关性及机制(国家自然科学基金面上项目,2011-2013;主持人) 湖泊湿地植被恢复与重建关键技术研究(林业公益项目,2011-2013;主持人) 北京林业大学高层次人才启动项目(2009-2011;主持人) 克隆生活史性状在植物入侵过程中的作用(中瑞科技合作联合研究项目;合作人德国Konstanz大学Mark van Kleunen教授、瑞士Bern大学Markus Fischer教授和中科院植物所董鸣研究员;2009-2011;中方第一主持人) Adaptive response of woody plants to grazing, burial and denudation stress in dry mobile sands in Inner Mongolia (中国科学院和荷兰皇家科学院博士生联合培养项目,合作人Marinus J. Werger教授, Niels Anten博士和 董鸣研究员,2008-2012,中方第二主持人) 论文目录: 到目前为止(2011年7月)共发表(接受)论文67篇,其中SCI论文50篇,代表性论文: 1. He W-M, Alpert P, Yu F-H, Zhang L-L, Dong M. 2011. Reciprocal and coincident patchiness of multiple resources differentially affect benefits of clonal integration in two perennial plants. Journal of Ecology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2011.01848.x 2. Yu F-H*, Herben T, Wildová R, Hershock, C, Goldberg DE. 2011. Can we predict performance and spatial structure of two-species mixtures using only single species information from monocultures? Ecological Modeling, Doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2011.05.036. 3. Li S-L, Yu F-H*, Werger, MJA, Dong M, Zuidema PA. 2011. Habitat-specific demography across dune fixation stages in a semi-arid sandland: understanding the expansion, stabilization and decline of a dominant shrub. Journal of Ecology, 99: 610-620. 4. Li P-X, Krusi BO, Li S-L, Cai X-H, Yu F-H*. 2011. Facilitation associated with three contrasting shrub species in heavily grazed pastures on the Tibetan Plateau. Community Ecology, 12: 1-8 5. Yu F-H*, Schütz M, Page-Dumroese DS, Krüsi BO, Schneller J, Wildi O, Risch AC. 2011. Carex sempervirens tussocks induce spatial heterogeneity in litter decomposition, but not in soil properties, in a subalpine grassland in the Central Alps. Flora, 206: 373-379. 6. Dong B-C, Zhang M-X, Alpert P, Lei G-C, Yu F-H*. 2010. Effects of orientation on survival and growth of small fragments of the invasive, clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides. Plos One, 5(10): e13631. 7. Yu F-H*, Li P-X, Li S-L, He W-M. 2010. Kobresia tibetica tussocks facilitate plant species inside them and increase diversity and reproduction. Basic and Applied Ecology, 11: 743-751. 8. Dong B-C, Yu G-L, Guo W, Zhang M-X, Dong M, Yu F-H*. 2010. How internode length, position and presence of leaves affect survival and growth of Alternanthera philoxeroides after fragmentation? Evolutionary Ecology, 24:1447–1461. 9. He W-M, Yu F-H, Zhang L-L. 2010. Physiological integration impacts nutrient use efficiency and stoichiometry in clonal plants under heterogeneous habitats. Ecological Research, 25: 967–972. 10. Li S-L, Zuidema PA, Yu F-H*, Werger MJA, Dong M. 2010. Effects of denudation and burial on growth and reproduction of Artemisia ordosica in Mu Us sandland. Ecological Research, 25: 655-611. 11. Li S-L, Werger MJA, Zuidema PA, Yu F-H*, Dong M. 2010. Seedlings of the semi-shrub Artemisia ordosica are resistant to moderate wind denudation and sand burial in Mu Us sandland, China. Trees, 24: 515–521. 12. Du J, Wang N, Alpert P, Yu M-J, Yu F-H*, Dong M. 2010. Clonal integration increases performance of ramets of the fern Diplopterygium glaucum in an evergreen forest in southeastern China. Flora, 205: 399-403. 13. Yu F-H*, Wang N, He W-M, Dong M. 2010. Effects of clonal integration on species composition and biomass of sand dune communities. Journal of Arid Environments, 74: 632-637. 14. Yu F-H*, Wang N, Alpert P, He W-M, Dong M. 2009. Physiological integration in an introduced, invasive plant increases its spread into experimental communities and modifies their structure. American Journal of Botany, 96: 1983–1989. 15. Du J, Yu F-H*, Alpert P, Dong M. 2009. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi reduce effects of physiological integration in Trifolium repens. Annals of Botany, 104: 335-343. 16. Yu F-H*, Krusi B, Schutz M, Schneller J, Tang M, Wildi O. 2009. Positive correlation between vegetation dissimilarity and genetic differentiation of Carex sempervirens. Flora, 204: 651-657 17. Wang N, Yu F-H*, Li P-X, He W-M, Liu J, Yu G-L, Song Y-B, Dong M. 2009. Clonal integration supports the expansion from terrestrial to aquatic environments of the amphibious stoloniferous herb Alternanthera philoxeroides. Plant Biology, 11: 483-489. 18. Liu H-D, Yu F-H*, He W-M, Chu Y, Dong M. 2009. Clonal integration improves compensatory growth in heavily grazed ramet populations of two inland dune grasses. Flora 204: 298-305. 19. Yu F-H, Wang N, He W-M, Chu Y, Dong M. 2008. Adaptation of rhizome connections in drylands: Increasing tolerance of clones to wind erosion. Annals of Botany, 102: 571-577. 20. Yu H, Yu F-H*, Miao S-L, Dong M. 2008. Holoparasitic Cuscuta campestris suppresses invasive Mikania micrantha and contributes to native community recovery. Biological Conservation, 141: 2653-2661. 21. Wang N, Yu F-H*, Li P-X, He W-M, Liu F-H, Dong M. 2008. Clonal integration affects growth, photosynthetic efficiency and biomass allocation, but not the competitive ability, of the alien invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides. Annals of Botany, 101: 671-678. 22. Li P-X, Wang N, He W-M, Krüsi B, Yu F-H*, Dong M. 2008. Fertile islands under Artemisia ordosica in inland dunes of northern China: Effects of habitats and plant developmental stages. Journal of Arid Environments, 72: 953-963. 23. Yu F-H*, Krusi B, Schutz M, Schneller J, Wildi O. 2008. Plant communities affect the species-area relationship on Carex sempervirens tussocks. Flora, 203: 197-203. 24. Liu F-H, Yu F-H*, Liu W-S, Krüsi B, Cai X-H, Schneller J, Dong M. 2007. Large clones on cliff faces: expanding by rhizomes through crevices. Annals of Botany, 100: 51-54. 25. Liu H-D, Yu F-H, He W-M, Chu Y, Dong M. 2007. Are clonal plants more tolerable to grazing than co-occurring non-clonal plants in inland dunes? Ecological Research, 22, 502-506. 26. Liu F-H, Liu J, Yu F-H, Dong M. 2007. Water integration patterns in two rhizomatous dune perennials of different clonal fragment size. Flora, 202: 106-110. 27. He ZS, He WM, Yu F-H, Shi PL, Zhang XZ, He YT, Zhou ZM, Dong M. 2007. Do clonal growth form and habitat origin affect resource-induced plasticity in Tibetan alpine herbs? Flora, 202: 406-416. 28. Yu F-H*, Krusi B, Schutz M, Schneller J, Wildi O. 2006. Is vegetation inside Carex sempervirens tussocks highly specific or basically an image of the surrounding vegetation? Journal of Vegetation Science, 17: 567-571. 29. Ye X-H, Yu F-H, Dong M. 2006.Trade-offs between guerilla and phalanx growth forms of Leymus secalinus under different nutrient supply. Annals of Botany, 98: 187-191. 30. Yu F-H*, Schneller J, Krusi B, Schutz M, Tang M,Wildi O. 2006. Genetic variability within Carex sempervirens tussocks of contrasting vitality. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 167: 513-518. 31. Yu F-H, Dong M, Krusi B. 2004. Clonal integration benefits Psammochloa villosa survive sand burial in an inland dune. New Phytologist, 162: 697-704. 32. Liao MJ, Yu F-H, Song MH, Zhang JZ, Dong M. 2003. Plasticity in R/S ratio, morphology and fitness-related traits in response to reciprocal patchiness of light and nutrients in the stoloniferous herb, Glechoma longituba. Acta Oecologica, 24: 231-239. 33. Yu F-H, Chen YF, Dong M. 2002. Clonal integration enhances survival and performance of Potentilla anserina, suffering from partial sand burial on Ordos plateau, China. Evolutionary Ecology, 15: 303-318. 34. Chen YF, Yu F-H, Dong M. 2002. Scale-dependent spatial heterogeneity of vegetation in Mu Us sandy land, a semi-arid area of China. Plant Ecology, 162: 135-142. 著译目录: 董鸣、于飞海等,2011.《克隆植物生态学》,科学出版社,北京