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简介:教育和合作研究经历 1981, 9-1985, 7 山西农业大学,农学学士 1985, 9-1988, 7 河北农业大学,农学硕士 1992,9-1996,10 University of Alberta,土壤学博士 1997-1998 Iowa State University,土壤物理学博士后 2004-2005 Iowa State University,土壤物理学高级访问学者 工作经历 1988,7-1992,7 河北省农林科学院土壤肥料研究所,助理研究员 2002,9-2004,3 中国科学院地理科学与自然资源研究所,副研究员 2004,4- 中国农业大学,教授

中文期刊: 外文期刊: 科技成果: 农业专利: SCI: 北大核心: EI: CSSCI: CSCD:

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教育和合作研究经历 1981, 9-1985, 7 山西农业大学,农学学士 1985, 9-1988, 7 河北农业大学,农学硕士 1992,9-1996,10 University of Alberta,土壤学博士 1997-1998 Iowa State University,土壤物理学博士后 2004-2005 Iowa State University,土壤物理学高级访问学者 工作经历 1988,7-1992,7 河北省农林科学院土壤肥料研究所,助理研究员 2002,9-2004,3 中国科学院地理科学与自然资源研究所,副研究员 2004,4- 中国农业大学,教授




名称:中国农业大学资源与环境学院 邮编:100083 地址:北京市海淀区清华东路17号


教学课程   土壤学本科生   土壤物理学研究法硕士研究生   土壤利用与保护技术硕士研究生   科技报告与论文博士研究生 科研项目   1.国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)“主要粮食作物高产栽培与资源高效利用的基础研究”中“作物高产高效的土壤条件与定向调控”课题(编号:2009CB118607),2009-2014年,主持   2.国家自然科学基金项目“基于农田水分平衡和土壤感热平衡分解农田蒸散的理论与方法”(编号:41071155),2011-2013年,主持   3.高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金“土壤容重连续定位测定的理论与技术”(编号:20070019045).2008-2010年,主持   4.国家科技支撑计划课题“粮食主产区农田生态健康管理关键技术研究与示范”(编号:2006BAD02A15)中“三大作物农田生态健康诊断指标构建与评价”专题,2006-2010年,主持   5.国家自然科学基金项目“土壤水分特征曲线与土壤热物理特性的相关性研究”(编号:41471061),2005-2007年,主持 发表论文   1.Zhang Xiao, Sen Lu, Joshua Heitman, Robert Horton, Tusheng Ren*.2012.Measuring subsurface soil-water evaporation with an improved heat-pulse probe. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. (in press)   2.Liu Gang, Bingcheng Si, Aixun Jiang, Baoguo Li, Tusheng Ren, Kelin Hu. 2012. Probe body and thermal contact conductivity affect error of heat pulse method based on infinite line source approximation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 76:370–374.   3.Gao W., T. Ren, A.G. Bengough, L. Auneau, C.W. Watts, W.R. Whalley.2012. Predicting penetrometer resistance from the compression characteristic of soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 76:361–369.   4.Liu Hui, Zhaoqiang Ju, J?rg Bachmann, Robert Horton, and Tusheng Ren*. 2012. Moisture-dependent soil wettability and its influences on soil waterretention curve. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 76:342–349.   5.Xiao X., R. Horton, T. J. Sauer, J. L.Heitman, and T. Ren. 2011. Cumulative soil water evaporation as a function of depth and time. Vadose Zone J.10:1016-1022.   6.Liu Xiaofen, Xiaoping Xiao, GuangliYang, and Tusheng Ren*. 2011. Water retention curves of soil aggregates as affected by long-term fertilizer management. Soil Sci. 176:537-542.   7.范远,任长忠,李品芳,任图生*.2011.盐碱胁迫下燕麦生长及阳离子吸收特征.应用生态学报.22(11):2875-2882.   8.杜章留,高伟达,陈素英,胡春胜,任图生*.2011.保护性耕作对太行山前平原土壤质量的影响.中国生态农业学报.19(5):1134?1142.   9..Lu Sen, Tusheng Ren*, Zhenrong Yu, andRobert Horton. 2011. A method to estimate the water vapour enhancement factor in soil. Eur. J. Soil Sci. 62:498–504.   10.Ju Zhaoqing, Tusheng Ren*, and Chunsheng Hu. 2011. Soil thermal conductivity as influenced by aggregation at intermediate water contents. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 75:26–29.   11.Wang Yajing, Sen Lu, Tusheng Ren*, and Baoguo Li. 2011. Bound water content of air-dry soils measured by thermal analysis. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 75:481-487.   12.陆森,任图生*,杨泱,孙世友,巨兆强.2010.多针热脉冲技术测定土壤热导率误差分析.农业工程学报.26(6):20-24.   13.Heitman J.L., R. Horton, T.J. Sauer, T.S. Ren, X. Xiao. 2010. Latent heat in soil heat flux measurements. Agric. Forest Meteorol. 150:1147–1153.   14.Sun Yurui, Shujuan Ren, Tusheng Ren, and Budiman Minasny. 2010. A combined frequency domain and tensiometer sensor for determining soil water characteristic curves. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 74:492–494.   15.Li Yi, Robert Horton, Tusheng Ren, Chunyan Chen. 2010. Investigating time scale effects on reference evapotranspiration from Epan data in north China. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.49:867–878.   16.Li Yi, Robert Horton, Tusheng Ren, Chunyan Chen. 2010. Prediction of annual reference evapotranspiration using climatic data. Agricultural Water Management. 97:300–308.   17.Du Zhangliu, Tusheng Ren*, Chunsheng Hu.2010. Tillage and residue removal effects on soil carbon and nitrogen storage in the North China Plain. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 74:196-202.   18.Davis Dedrick D., Robert Horton, Joshua L. Heitman, and Tusheng Ren. 2009. Wettability and hysteresis effects onwater sorption in relatively dry soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.73:1947–1951.   19.Lu Xinrui, Tusheng Ren, and Yuanshi Gong. 2009. Experimental investigation of thermal dispersion in saturated soils with one-dimensional water flow. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 73:1912-1920.   20.Chen Suyin, Xiying Zhang, Hongyong Sun, Tusheng Ren, and Yanmei Wang. 2009. Effects of winter wheat row spacing on evapotranspiration, grain yield and water use efficiency. Agric. Water Manage.97:1126-1132.   21.Du Zhangliu, Shufu Liu, Kejiang Li,Tusheng Ren*. 2009. Soil organic carbon and physical quality as influenced by long-term application of residue and mineral fertilizer in the North China Plain. Australian Journal of Soil Research. 47:585-591.   22.陆森,任图生*.2009.不同温度下的土壤热导率模拟.农业工程学报.25(7):13-18.   23.Lu Sen., Zhaoqiang Ju, Tusheng Ren*, and Robert Horton. 2009. A general approach to estimate soil water content from thermal inertia. Agric. Forest Meteorol. 149:1693-1698.   24.任淑娟,孙郁瑞,任图生.2009.测量土壤水分特征曲线的复合传感器设计.农业机械学报.40(5):56-58,91.   25.Du Zhangliu, Liu Shufu, Xiao Xiaoping,Yang Guangli, Ren Tusheng*.2009.Soil physical quality as influenced by long-term fertilizer management under an intensive cropping system. Int. J. Agric. & Biol. Eng. 2(1):19-2.   26.李保国等.2008.土壤物理学研究的现状、挑战与任务.土壤学报.45(3):810-816.   27.Lu Sen, Tusheng Ren*, Yuanshi Gong, andRobert Horton. 2008. Evaluation of three models that describe soil water retention curves from saturation to oven dryness. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.72:1542-1546.   28.Ju Zhaoqiang, Tusheng Ren*, and Robert Horton. 2008. Influences of dichlorodimethylsilane treatment on soil hydrophobicity, thermal conductivity, and electrical conductivity. Soil Science.173(7):425-432.   29.Liu Xiaona, Tusheng Ren*, and Robert Horton. 2008. Determination of soil bulk density with thermo-TDR sensors. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 72:1000-1005.   30.Heitman, J.L., R. Horton, T. Ren, I.N. Nassar, and D.D. Davis. 2008. A test of coupled soil heat and water transfer prediction under transient boundary temperatures. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.72:1197-1207.   31.Liu Gang, Baoguo Li, Tusheng Ren, Robert Horton, and Bingcheng Si. 2008. Analytical solution of heat pulse method in a parallelepiped space with inclined needles. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 72:1208-1216   32.Liu Gang, Baoguo Li, Tusheng Ren, and Robert Horton. 2007. Analytical solution of heat pulse method in a parallelepiped sample space. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 71:1607-1619.   33.Heitman J.L., R. Horton, T. Ren, and T.E. Ochsner. 2007. An improved approach for measurement of coupled heat and water transfer in soil cells. Soil Sci. Soc. Am J.71:872–880.   34.Lu Sen, Tusheng Ren*, Yuanshi Gong, and Robert Horton. 2007. An improved model for predicting soil thermal conductivity from water content. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.71:8-14.   35.Zhou J., J.L. Heitman, R. Horton, T. Ren, T. E. Ochsner, L. Prunty, R. P. Ewing and T. J. Sauer. 2006.Methodfor maintaining one-dimensional temperature gradients in unsaturated, closed soil cells. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70:1303-1309.   36.Gao Jianying, Tusheng Ren, and Yuanshi Gong. 2005. Correcting wall flow effect improves the heat-pulse technique for determining water flux in saturated soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.70:711-717.   37.Ren Tusheng, Zhaoqiang Ju, Yuanshi Gong,and Robert Horton. 2005. Comparing heat-pulse and time domain reflectometry soil water contents from thermo-time domain reflectometry probes. Vadose Zone J.4:1080-1086.   38.任图生,邵明安,巨兆强,Robert Horton.2004.利用热脉冲-时域反射技术测定土壤水热动态和物理参数I.原理.土壤学报.41(2):225-229.   39.任图生,邵明安,巨兆强,Robert Horton.2004.利用热脉冲-时域反射技术测定土壤水热动态和物理参数II.应用.土壤学报.41(4):523-529.   40.Ren Tusheng, Tyson E. Ochsner, and Robert Horton. 2003. Development of thermo-time domain reflectometry for vadose zone measurements. Vadose Zone Journal. 2:544-551.   41.Ochsner Tyson E., Robert Horton, and Tusheng Ren. 2003. Using the dual-probe heat-pulse technique to monitor soilwater content in the vadose zone. Vadose Zone Journal. 2:572-579.   42.Ren, T., T.E. Ochsner, R. Horton, and Z. Ju. 2003. Heat-pulse method for soil water content measurement: influence of the specific heat of the soil solids. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 67:1631-1634.   43.Larney F.J., T. Ren, S. M. McGinn, C.W. Lindwall, and R.C. Izaurralde. 2003. The influence of rotation, tillage and row spacing on near-surface soil temperature for winter wheat in southern Alberta. Can. J. Soil Sci. 83:89-98.   44.Ren Tusheng, Francis J. Larney, Sean M. McGinn, C. Wayne Lindwall, and R. César Izaurralde. 2002. Soil temperature regimes as influenced by rotation, tillage and row spacing for winter wheat. Transactions of the CSAE. 18(5):52-60.   45.Bachmann, J., R. Horton, T. Ren and R.R. van der Ploeg. 2001. Thermal properties of wettable and water repellent soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 65:1675-1679.   46.Ochsner, T.E., Robert Horton, and T. Ren. 2001. A new perspective on soil thermal properties. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.65:1641-1647.   47.Ochsner T.E., T. Ren, and R. Horton.2001. Simultaneous water content, air-filled porosity, and bulk density measurements with thermo-time domain reflectometry. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.65:1618-1622.   48.Ren, T.,G.J. Kluitenberg, and R.Horton.2000. Determining soil water flux and pore water velocity by a heat pulse technique. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64:552-600.   49.Ren, T., K. Noborio, and R. Horton.1999. Measuring soil water content, electrical conductivity and thermal properties with a thermal-TDR probe. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 63:450-457.


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